Wiki source code of EyeQ Reports

Last modified by Manuel Smeria on 2013/04/29 11:12

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1 {{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}}
2 {{toc/}}
3 {{/box}}
5 EyeQ is a paying service provided by [[Programeter>>]] which they are offering for free for the XWiki Community.
7 = Understanding the Reports =
9 * Contribution size
10 ** This is supposed to represent how much you've contributed. However right now it only measures how many lines of code you have contributed (removing some invalid ones like for releases, etc). This means that if you're removing lines for refactoring purpose, for cleaning up, etc you're getting negative contribution values. For example, see the [[detailed example of Vincent Massol contributions>>attach:xwiki-contribution-vmassol-2008.04.01.pdf||]] to understand how points are computed.
11 ** Thus for now this indicator should be considered carefully. A large score could mean that the person is not refactoring and not cleaning up existing code... ;)
13 Starting with August 2008 reports new metrics were added:
15 * Effort illustrates the size of the work the developer has performed during the project. Any code contribution is counted as effort. Efficiency illustrates the utility of the effort: how much of the effort translates into the code used in the project.
16 * Code Maturity illustrates how code contributed by the developer survives the test of time. Lower values mean that the produced code often needs to be corrected or adopted by other team members.
17 * Owned Code - Indicates the size of the code whose latest modifier is the profiled developer.
18 * New Code is the number of new lines of code that developer has added during the reporting period.
19 * Modified code is depicted by two indicators, namely "other" and "own". These indicators represent amount of lines of code modified by the developer during the reporting period. If the developer has modified a line of code created by someone else, then the indicator "other" is increased by one. And if he modifies a line created by himself, then the number "own" is increased accordingly.
20 * Deleted Code is traced in a same manner as modified code, by two indicators "other" and "own". They keep the count of lines of code deleted during the reporting period. Each deleted line increases either indicator "other" or "own". If developer deletes his own line of code then the indicator "own" is raised by one. If the deleted code was created by someone else, then the indicator "other" is raised consequently.
22 = Reports =
24 {{velocity}}
25 #macro(profilereport $reportfile)
26 #foreach ($file in $xwiki.getPlugin("zipexplorer").getFileList($doc, $reportfile))
27 #if ($file.contains("xwiki-profile-"))
28 #set ($profile = $file.substring($util.add($file.lastIndexOf("/"), 15)))
29 #set ($profile = $profile.substring(0, $profile.lastIndexOf("-")))
30 ** [[$profile>>path:$xwiki.getPlugin("zipexplorer").getFileLink($doc, $reportfile, $file)]]
31 #end
32 #end
33 #end
35 #macro(attritionreport $reportfile)
36 #foreach ($file in $xwiki.getPlugin("zipexplorer").getFileList($doc, $reportfile))
37 #if ($file.contains("xwiki-attrition-report-"))
38 #set ($profile = $file.substring($util.add($file.lastIndexOf("/"), 24)))
39 #set ($profile = $profile.substring(0, $profile.lastIndexOf("-")))
40 ** [[$profile>>path:$xwiki.getPlugin("zipexplorer").getFileLink($doc, $reportfile, $file)]]
41 #end
42 #end
43 #end
44 {{/velocity}}
46 == After September 2008 ==
48 {{error}}
49 While EyeQ is nice it's not built for open source projects and there's currently no possibility to provide open access to everyone to the online reports. In the past we've been diligently copying them here but it's too much work and there's no automation. We're waiting for Programeter to [[improve their support for open source projects>>]].
50 {{/error}}
52 == September 2008 ==
54 {{velocity}}
55 * [[Performance Report September 2008>>path:$xwiki.getPlugin("zipexplorer").getFileLink($doc, "", "xwiki-performance-2008.10.01.pdf")]]
56 * Individual Reports (all time values)
57 #profilereport("")
58 * Attrition Reports
59 #attritionreport("")
61 == August 2008 ==
63 * [[Performance Report August 2008>>path:$xwiki.getPlugin("zipexplorer").getFileLink($doc, "", "xwiki-performance-2008.09.01.pdf")]]
64 * Individual Profiles (all time values)
65 #profilereport("")
66 * Attrition Reports
67 #attritionreport("")
69 == June 2008 ==
71 * [[Performance Report June 2008>>path:$xwiki.getPlugin("zipexplorer").getFileLink($doc, "", "xwiki-performance-2008.07.01.pdf")]]
72 * Individual Profiles (all time values)
73 #profilereport("")
75 == May 2008 ==
77 * [[Performance Report May 2008>>path:$xwiki.getPlugin("zipexplorer").getFileLink($doc, "", "xwiki-performance-2008.06.01.pdf")]]
78 * Individual Profiles (all time values)
79 #profilereport("")
81 == April 2008 ==
83 * [[Performance Report April 2008>>path:$xwiki.getPlugin("zipexplorer").getFileLink($doc, "", "2008 April/performance/xwiki-performance-2008.04.pdf")]]
84 * Individual Profiles (all time values)
85 #profilereport("")
86 {{/velocity}}

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