IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 10 January 2017

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2017/01/10 22:41

<OSIMasson1> has joined #xwiki
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10:46 <tmortagne> [WARN] Restarting on 8.4.4 on 15 minutes
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14:31 <ol-ow2> Hi, i get this error "Full form statements requires programming right." on this request #set($xwql = "select distinct obj.tags from Document doc, doc.object(XWiki.TagClass) as obj") #set($entries = $services.query.xwql($xwql).setLimit(5).execute()) , any idea is welcome to avoid this kind of error  ?
14:32 <ol-ow2> gdelhumeau: mflorea sdumitriu1
14:33 <gdelhumeau> hi
14:33 <gdelhumeau> ol-ow2: your version is < 7.2?
14:33 <ol-ow2> yes
14:33 <ol-ow2> 6.4
14:47 <tmortagne> has joined #xwiki
14:48 <gdelhumeau> ol-ow2: you need programming rights when you write a query that starts with SELECT
14:48 <gdelhumeau> see:
14:49 <gdelhumeau> instead you should do: "from Document doc, doc.object(XWiki.TagClass) as obj"
14:49 <gdelhumeau> and then add .addFilter("unique")
14:50 <tmortagne> gdelhumeau: "you need programming rights when you write a query that starts with SELECT" non you don't
14:50 <gdelhumeau> yes you did
14:50 <gdelhumeau> before 7.2
14:50 <tmortagne> there was no version in your message :)
14:50 <gdelhumeau> yes but I've asked for the version of ol-ow2 just before :)
14:51 <tmortagne> sorry, I was not connected before
14:51 <gdelhumeau> so yes, since 7.2, you can use SELECT :)
14:51 <gdelhumeau> indeed tmortagne
14:52 <ol-ow2> ok, many thanks gdelhumeau, i 'll try that
14:56 <ol-ow2> ok that's work, but don't need "Document as doc" bcoz involving error duplicate alias
14:56 <ol-ow2> but thanks any way ;)
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16:13 <ol-ow2> Hi again, gdelhumeau tmortagne .addFilter("unique") give me unique document instead unique TAG (obj.tags )as expected in "select distinct obj.tags from Document doc, doc.object(XWiki.TagClass) as obj"
16:14 <ClemensR> has joined #xwiki
16:14 <gdelhumeau> I though it was what you wanted
16:14 <tmortagne> ol-ow2: "unique" filter only deal with locales
16:14 <tmortagne> it does not make sure you get unique select results whatever you have in the select
16:15 <gdelhumeau> ol-ow2: depending on your need, you can open each document you get and then do a #foreach on the $document.getObjects()
16:18 <ol-ow2> i'm making a main menu with the list of referenced tags . So has you mention, may be the solution is a foreach on the list and get object
16:47 <gdelhumeau> ol-ow2: something like ?
16:48 <gdelhumeau> actually:
16:50 <gdelhumeau> you also have $xwiki.tag (!%2Fcom%2Fxpn%2Fxwiki%2Fplugin%2Ftag%2FTagPluginApi.html)
16:59 <ol-ow2> yes something like that gdelhumeau, but embed in VM file
16:59 <gdelhumeau> I mean maybe you can re-use $xwiki.tags instead of doing your own requests
17:05 <ol-ow2> yes ! that's exactly that i need gdelhumeau many thanks !
17:05 <ol-ow2> perfect ! :D
17:18 <vmassol> has joined #xwiki
17:18 <vmassol> ouch just noticed I was not connected!
17:18 <vmassol> sorry about that, hope nobody tried to reach me here ;)
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