Wiki source code of Release Plan for version 8.0

Version 2.13 by Thomas Mortagne on 2016/03/15 17:38

Show last authors
1 {{velocity}}
2 #set ($object = $doc.getObject("ReleasePlans.ReleasePlanClass"))
3 #set ($version = $object.getProperty("version").getValue())
4 #set ($shortVersion = $stringtool.replaceChars($version, ".-", ""))
5 #set ($shortVersion = $stringtool.upperCase($shortVersion))
6 #set ($shortVersion = $shortVersion.replace('MILESTONE', 'M'))
7 {{/velocity}}
9 {{info}}
10 Use these icons to mark the release progress: (x) not done, (/) done, (!) not done for a good reason (explain reason)
11 {{/info}}
13 * (/) [[Verify>>ReleasePlans.ReleasePlanHelp||anchor="HInitialCLIRRcheck"]] that the ##xwiki-commons##'s top level POM has a ##xwiki.clirr.previous.version## property correctly pointing to the latest stable (non-milestone) release and if not, change it.
14 * (/) [[Verify>>ReleasePlanHelp||anchor="HVerifyJIRAissue"]] that there are no {{velocity}}[[open issues on JIRA for version $version>>$version%22%29+and+resolution+in+%28%22Unresolved%22%29]]{{/velocity}}.
15 * (/) Verify that no tests are failing [[on the CI Server>>]] (or that failures are understood, see [[known flickering tests>>]]).
16 * (/) Verify that there are no {{velocity}}[[missing documentation for closed JIRA issues for version $version>>!executeAdvanced.jspa?jqlQuery=Project+in+%28%22XWiki+Commons%22%2C+%22XWiki+Rendering%22%2C+%22XWiki+Platform%22%2C+%22XWiki+Enterprise%22%29+and+fixVersion+in+%28%22$version%22%29+and+resolution+in+%28%22Fixed%22%29+and+%28%28Documentation+is+EMPTY%29+or+%28%22Documentation+in+Release+Notes%22+is+EMPTY%29%29&runQuery=true&clear=true]]{{/velocity}}
17 * (x) Ensure that the {{velocity}}[[Release Notes are complete and nice-looking for version $version>>xwiki:ReleaseNotes.ReleaseNotesXWiki${shortVersion}]]{{/velocity}}
18 * Release JIRA versions and create new versions for the next development iteration on the following JIRA projects:
19 ** (/) [[Commons JIRA>>]]
20 ** (/) [[Rendering JIRA>>]]
21 ** (/) [[Platform JIRA>>]]
22 ** (/) [[Enterprise JIRA>>]]
23 * (/) Since the release is performed on ##agent-1-1##, mark it offline in the [[Jenkins admin screen>>]] to avoid using it in the CI. Put as comment {{velocity}}{{code language="none"}}Temporarily marking agent-1-1 offline for the release of $version{{/code}}{{/velocity}}.
24 * (/) [[Log on the release machine>>ReleasePlans.ReleasePlanHelp||anchor="HLogonReleasemachine"]], [[set up your identity>>ReleasePlans.ReleasePlanHelp||anchor="HSetupyouridentity"]] and [[update the release scripts>>ReleasePlans.ReleasePlanHelp||anchor="HUpdateReleasescripts"]]
25 * (/) [[Update translations>>ReleasePlans.ReleasePlanHelp||anchor="HUpdateTranslations"]]
26 * (/) [[Build the release>>ReleasePlans.ReleasePlanHelp||anchor="HBuildtherelease"]]
27 * (x) [[Clean up your identity>>ReleasePlans.ReleasePlanHelp||anchor="HCleanupidentity"]]
28 * (x) Mark ##agent-1-1## online again in the [[ Jenkins admin screen>>]] (button on the right).
29 * (x) [[Publish CLIRR reports>>ReleasePlans.ReleasePlanHelp||anchor="HGenerateCLIRRReport"]] in the {{velocity}}[[Release Notes for version $version>>xwiki:ReleaseNotes.ReleaseNotesXWiki${shortVersion}]]{{/velocity}}
30 * (x) [[Push distribution files to OW2 and release them>>ReleasePlans.ReleasePlanHelp||anchor="HPushtoOW2"]]
31 * (x) Force [[rebuild of the Debian repository index>>ReleasePlans.ReleasePlanHelp||anchor="HRebuildDebianDistribution"]]
32 * (x) Update the [[Download page>>]]
33 * (x) [[Force extensions update>>ReleasePlans.ReleasePlanHelp||anchor="HForceExtensionsUpdate"]]
34 * (x) Ensure that there's a line pointing to the Release Notes for version {{velocity}}$version{{/velocity}} on the [[Release Notes home page>>xwiki:ReleaseNotes.WebHome]]
35 * (x) [[Publish news on OW2>>ReleasePlans.ReleasePlanHelp||anchor="HNewsonOW2"]]
36 * (x) [[Create blog post on>>ReleasePlans.ReleasePlanHelp||anchor=""]]
37 * (x) [[Update the API doc>>platform:DevGuide.API]], including [[Rendering>>rendering:Main.JavaDoc]]
38 * (x) Update [[Wikipedia (en)>>]], [[Wikipedia (fr)>>]] and [[Wikipedia (compare wiki software)>>]]
39 * (x) [[Wikimatrix>>]] with Ludovic's account
40 * (x) [[Announcement Mail>>ReleasePlans.ReleasePlanHelp||anchor="HAnnouncementMail"]]
41 * (x) [[Announce on Twitter>>ReleasePlans.ReleasePlanHelp||anchor="HAnnounceonTwitter"]] with the [[xwikiorg account>>]]
42 * (x) Update the [[Release Plan page>>ReleasePlans.WebHome||anchor="HNextReleaseManagers"]] to move yourself to the bottom of the list for your next release.
43 * (x) Ensure that the {{velocity}}[[release date in this Release Plan>>path:$doc.getURL("edit", "editor=object")]]{{/velocity}} corresponds to the date when the release was finished
44 * (x) Update the release date on the [[Roadmap page>>xwiki:Roadmaps.WebHome]] for non bugfix releases
45 * (/) [[Push Commons and Rendering to Maven Central>>ReleasePlans.ReleasePlanHelp||anchor="HPublishtoMavenCentral"]]

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