Last modified by Eduard Moraru on 2018/03/28 13:07

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1 {{velocity}}
2 #if ($ == 'ReleasePlanSheet')
3 {{error}}Sheet must be applied on a ReleasePlanClass object.{{/error}}
4 #else
5 #if ($request.version)
6 #set ($discard = $doc.set('version', $request.version))
7 #end
8 #if ("$!{doc.getValue('releaseManager')}" == '')
9 #set ($discard = $doc.set('releaseManager', $services.model.serialize($context.userReference, 'default')))
10 #end
11 ##
12 #if ($context.action == "edit" || $context.action == "inline")
13 $doc.use("ReleasePlans.ReleasePlanClass")
14 Version: $doc.display("version")
15 Release Manager: $doc.display("releaseManager")
16 Release Date: $doc.display("releaseDate")
17 #else
18 ## Note: We use the include macro below to circumvent the "nested script" execution issue...
19 {{include reference="ReleasePlanSheetHeader"/}}
21 ## Make sure to display the current document ($doc) and not the one from the database (returned by the include macro),
22 ## otherwise things like edit preview will not work as expected.
23 {{html}}
24 $services.display.content($doc, {"displayerHint" : "default"})
25 {{/html}}
26 #end
27 #end
28 {{/velocity}}

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