Wiki source code of Maven Provision Plugin

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2018/01/25 09:38

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Vincent Massol 1.1 1 {{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}}
2 {{toc/}}
3 {{/box}}
5 This build tool allows installing XWiki Extensions into a running XWiki instance.
7 = Install Mojo =
9 To configure it, use for example:
11 {{code language="xml"}}
12 <plugin>
13 <groupId>org.xwiki.platform</groupId>
14 <artifactId>xwiki-platform-tool-provision-plugin</artifactId>
15 <version>${project.version}</version>
16 <configuration>
17 <xwikiRESTURL>http://localhost:8080/xwiki/rest</xwikiRESTURL>
18 <username>Admin</username>
19 <password>admin</password>
20 <extensionIds>
21 <extensionId>
22 <id>org.xwiki.contrib.markdown:syntax-markdown-markdown12</id>
23 <version>8.5.1</version>
24 </extensionId>
25 </extensionIds>
26 </configuration>
27 <executions>
28 <execution>
29 <id>install</id>
30 <goals>
31 <goal>install</goal>
32 </goals>
33 </execution>
34 </executions>
35 </plugin>
36 {{/code}}
38 To use it:
40 * ##mvn install## will execute the ##install## mojo during the #pre-integration-test## Maven phase.##
42 Default configuration values:
44 * ##username##: ##superadmin##
45 * ##password##: ##pass##
46 * ##xwikiRESTURL##: ##http://localhost:8080/xwiki/rest####
47 * ##namespaces##: ##wiki:xwiki## (i.e. main wiki). For example if you wish to install the extensions in ##wiki1## and ##wiki2## you'd use:(((
48 {{code language="xml"}}
49 <configuration>
50 <namespaces>
51 <namespace>wiki:wiki1</namespace>
52 <namespace>wiki:wiki2</namespace>
53 </namespaces>
54 </configuration>
55 {{/code}}
56 )))
Vincent Massol 2.1 57 * ##installUserReference##: This is the author that will be used when installing the wiki pages. Uses the author from the page XML if not defined explicitly.

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