Wiki source code of Working with Eclipse

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2023/06/08 09:55

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Thomas Mortagne 127.2 1 {{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}}
2 {{toc/}}
3 {{/box}}
Vincent Massol 126.2 4
Thomas Mortagne 127.3 5 This document contains instructions on how to configure Eclipse for building and developing XWiki. It should be noted that these are generic instructions, some components / sub-projects of XWiki might require specific configurations on Eclipse that may not be covered in this document.
DanMurphy 1.1 6
Manuel Smeria 131.2 7 {{warning}}
8 It is necessary that you [[Install & Configure Maven>>Building||anchor="HInstallingMaven"]] before trying anything here.
9 {{/warning}}
slauriere 1.17 10
Thomas Mortagne 127.3 11 = Prerequisites =
Asiri Rathnayake 104.1 12
Thomas Mortagne 127.3 13 * Knowledges:
14 ** This tutorial does not explain how Eclipse/JDT works and how to install Eclipse plugins
Manuel Smeria 131.2 15 ** You should already know how to build XWiki using maven and also how maven generally works, how to create pom.xml, etc. You can look at [[Building XWiki>>Building]].
16 ** You should take a look at general [[XWiki's sources repository structure>>SourceRepository]].
Thomas Mortagne 127.3 17 * Tools
Thomas Mortagne 135.1 18 ** Java JDK 11 or superior
DanMurphy 1.7 19
Thomas Mortagne 127.3 20 = Get the source for XWiki =
sub1236 110.1 21
Manuel Smeria 131.2 22 [[Clone platform repository>>SourceRepository]] somewhere in your computer different from your Eclipse workspace:
DanMurphy 1.2 23
Thomas Mortagne 127.3 24 {{code language="none"}}
25 git clone [email protected]:xwiki/xwiki-platform.git
26 {{/code}}
sub1236 110.1 27
Manuel Smeria 131.2 28 or replace ##[email protected]:xwiki/xwiki-platform.git## with your own fork of platform.
sub1236 110.1 29
Thomas Mortagne 127.3 30 = Installing Eclipse =
DanMurphy 1.7 31
Thomas Mortagne 136.1 32 * You can download Eclipse from the [[Eclipse Download Site>>]]. Alternatively, you can download one of the many Eclipse distributions, such as the "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers" which includes other features and plugins such as the [[Web Tools Project>>]].
Michael Hamann 134.1 33 * Install the [[Maven Eclipse plugin>>]] (if you installed "Eclipse IDE for Java EE - Kepler" distribution, the Maven Eclipse plugin is already bundled with it)
Fabio Mancinelli 132.1 34 * Optionally you might want to install the Web Tools Project (WTP) feature if you want to deploy XWiki to a support server without having to leave the Eclipse IDE, See [[The WTP homepage>>]] for details and [[Installing and Using the Eclipse Web Tools>>]] for help. (this is not needed if you installed the "Eclipse IDE for Java EE" distribution)
Thomas Mortagne 136.1 35 * [Optional] You might also want to work on AspectJ based legacy code legacy, for that you should install the [[AJDT Eclipse plugin>>]].
Asiri Rathnayake 24.1 36
Thomas Mortagne 127.4 37 = Importing a project With M2Eclipse =
Thomas Mortagne 127.3 38
Michael Hamann 133.1 39 * Now we're going to import the XWiki source (checked out above) into your Eclipse workspace. Select **[File->Import]** and under the **Maven** category, select **Existing Maven Projects** and click **Next**.
Manuel Smeria 131.2 40 * On the next screen, point **Root Directory** to whatever XWiki module you wish to work on. If you point the Root Directory to top-level repository folder, you will end up with a gazillion Eclipse projects. Therefor only select the module you wish to work on, and keep in mind that M2Eclipse will take care of dependencies.
41 * Finally, click **Finish** to dismiss the import wizard and let the workspace adjust itself (this will take some time depending on the number of projects to be imported).
Thomas Mortagne 127.1 42 * Now you can execute maven goals simply by right-clicking on the project and then **[Run As-><Maven Goal>]**. Observe the output from maven now appearing on the **Console** viewer of Eclipse.
Manuel Smeria 131.2 43 * That's it! Happy Hacking...
JoshuaRieken 120.1 44
Thomas Mortagne 128.2 45 = Other useful tricks/tools =
Manuel Smeria 131.2 47 * To dynamically validate your java code on XWiki codestyle you should use and configure the [[Eclipse Checkstyle plugin>>DevelopmentTools||anchor="HEclipse-cs"]].
48 * Look at [[Development Tools>>DevelopmentTools]] for a list of useful development tools.
Vincent Massol 132.4 49 * You can use [[XEclipse>>extensions:Extension.XWiki Eclipse]] to edit wiki pages. {{warning}}XEclipse was once maintained by the XWiki Development Team but for lack of active development [[has been moved as a Contrib project>>]] and now depends on the community for any future evolution. It is no longer supported by the XWiki Development Team.{{/warning}}
Thomas Mortagne 128.2 50
Thomas Mortagne 128.1 51 = Debug XWiki =
Asiri Rathnayake 63.1 52
Manuel Smeria 131.2 53 * [[Debug XWiki using WTP>>DebugXEWithEclipse]]

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