XWiki Forms & URL Mappings

Last modified by Philipp Roessler on 2020/01/28 14:36

This is a draft about XWiki URLs and Forms mappings


  • document xpage, xredirect, ajax parameters
  • split in two docs : XWiki URLS / XWiki Forms 

Invalid macro parameters used for the [toc] macro. Cause: [Failed to validate bean: [must be greater than or equal to 1]]. Click on this message for details.

XWiki Actions

This section presents XWiki actions. 

view action

Rendering of a document

Possible redirections

Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [The execution of the [velocity] script macro is not allowed in [dev:Drafts.XWikiURLMappings]. Check the rights of its last author or the parameters if it's rendered from another script.]. Click on this message for details.

Rollback form parameters


Delete versions form parameters

Parameter nameDescription
rev1First revision to delete
rev2Last revision to delete
confirm0: ask form confirmation; 1: don't ask



Alternative reset

With the reset action you delete the entire history at once.


Object Add form

Mandatory parameter

Parameter nameDescription
classnameThe full name of the document that holds the class which the object to be added should be instance of. Example : XWiki.XWikiGroups

Initializing the object properties (optional)

The added object can also have its properties initialized through this form. The parameter names should be formed as follow : classname_fiedname ; where classname is the value given to the previously mentioned classname parameter, and fieldname is the name of the field to initialize. A valid example of such a parameter would then be : XWiki.XWikiGroups_member (provided that XWiki.XWikiGroups has been given for the mandatory classname parameter).

Object Remove form parameters

Parameter nameDescription
classnameThe full name of the document that holds the class which the object to be remove is instance of. Example : XWiki.XWikiUsers
classidThe object id of the object to be deleted. Example : "0", or "1"

Sample use cases

TBD. Example to illustrate formentioned concepts. Ex: Ajax request to add and init an object

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