Changes for page GoogleSummerOfCode2007

Last modified by Eduard Moraru on 2016/02/19 18:20

From version 1.30
edited by VincentMassol
on 2007/04/13 15:52
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 1.31
edited by VincentMassol
on 2007/04/13 16:16
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -26,7 +26,16 @@
26 26  
27 27  1.1 Way of working
28 28  
29 -TODO: explain how SOC students will work with the XWiki dev team
29 +* SOC students are considered to be like any XWiki contributor which means they should respect the same rules and which means they are NOT committers on XWiki core
30 +* SOC students will be given commit access to the sandbox only where they'll create their project (one top level directory for each project). For projects which need to modify some existing code, JIRA issues will need to be created and patches attached. It's important that patches be of good quality and small in order to be applied quickly.
31 +* SOC students need to obey [all Community rules>Community.WebHome]. For example this means:
32 +** using the XWiki coding conventions
33 +** using the defined communication channels: IRC and mailing list
34 +** etc
35 +* *SOC students have time allocated to familiarize with XWiki development process. As such we want each SOC student to pick one or several existing issues in JIRA and send a patch that fixes it/them before that period (from 12th of April to 28th of May)* This is a critical integration step.
36 +* SOC student must post a quick introduction on the xwiki dev mailing list to explain how they are and what they're going to work on.
37 +* SOC student should ALWAYS go to the list when communicating about their project. They should NOT talk directly to their mentors. They should use the XWiki IRC channel if they need to talk to them. The goal is that everyone help them, answer their question but also know what they are doing. This will make patch application and integration of their work back into XWiki trunk easier. This is very important and a criteria of success for the student. If it doesn't happen we'll consider the project integration has failed. This is about learning how open source works... Note that they can copy their mentor's email address if they want but the mails have to go to the list.
38 +* SOC students should not block on anything for a long period of time. They should ask plenty of questions on the list (but they should also be autonomous!)
30 30  
31 31  1.1 Selected Projects/Students
32 32  

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