Search calibrator
- Mentor(s)
- Estimated workload
several weeks
- Details
As with any other search tool, XWiki's search experience is dependent on the data it searches. Should matches in the title of an attachments be prioritized compared to section titles of pages? Should a particular language transformation be desired?
The tool to be designed is an exploration tool to answer these questions based on the data.
Typically it would allow experts in the domain to see search results and report on them giving feedback on the validity of the results. For example, this tool would calculate precision and recall based on the feedback.
It would also include a method for the search tool manager to see the explanation of a search result so as to understand why a given score has been given.
Finally, the tool would come with a workflow explaining how a search tool can be evaluated and adjusted, in the form of a video and a text tutorial.
- Active
- No
- Year
- Status