Wiki Editor Improvements
- Mentor(s)
- Estimated workload
2 months
- Details
XWiki now has a very powerful WYSIWYG editor based on GWT which includes wizards for inserting links, images, tables and wiki macros.
However, some users may prefer to use the Wiki editor, which allows to have full control over the source of the wiki page.
This GSoC project consists in redesigning and improving the Wiki editor, with the main purpose of enriching it with the aforementioned wizards, and of integrating a user friendly Wiki Syntax Help and Syntax suggest feature.
- Developer profile
Very good knowledge of:
- JavaScript
- user interface and user experience design
Notions of:
Would be nice:
- XWiki Syntax, XWiki API
- XWiki WYsiwyg module, XWiki Rendering module
- Year
- Status