IRC Archive for channel #xwiki on 10 July 2012

Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2012/10/18 19:22

00:19 <jvelo> has joined #xwiki
00:20 <jvelo> sdumitriu: Hi
00:20 <@sdumitriu> Hi jv
00:21 <@sdumitriu> jvelo
00:21 <jvelo> do you know by any chance where is the code that make it so that when showviewaction is configured to be false automatically makes it the view action when it finds N-1 path segments
00:21 <jvelo> where N would be the number of segments when there is an action
00:22 <jvelo> I've just re-read my first sentence it's not very clear..
00:23 <@sdumitriu> Do you mean com.xpn.xwiki.web.XWikiRequestProcessor ?
00:23 <jvelo> ha sounds like it
00:23 <jvelo> it must be something that hijacks struts, I imagine
00:24 <jvelo> OK, it implements a struts mechanism
00:24 <jvelo> thanks, this is what I was looking for
00:25 <jvelo> mmh the code is quite odd
00:25 <jvelo> it does not even check showviewaction
00:27 <jvelo> OK I guess it didn't needed to
00:35 <polx> has quit
00:50 <jvdrean> has quit
04:01 <ries> has quit
06:27 <CIA-114> Sergiu Dumitriu master * r301dd0f / xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-web/src/main/webapp/resources/js/xwiki/widgets/modalPopup.js : XWIKI-8028: Add support for specifying an optional class name for the dialog box when creating modal popups -
06:27 <CIA-114> Sergiu Dumitriu master * rf6fc57f / xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-web/src/main/webapp/resources/uicomponents/suggest/suggest.js : XWIKI-8015: Adding tags can cause the browser to freeze up while attempting to display the suggestions drop-down -
06:28 <CIA-114> Sergiu Dumitriu stable-4.1.x * re365b1d / xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-web/src/main/webapp/resources/uicomponents/suggest/suggest.js : XWIKI-8015: Adding tags can cause the browser to freeze up while attempting to display the suggestions drop-down -
06:41 <CIA-114> Sergiu Dumitriu master * rcf355cd / xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-oldcore/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/store/hibernate/ : [misc] Fixed wrong StringUtils import -
06:41 <CIA-114> Sergiu Dumitriu master * r1f7f46d / xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-oldcore/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/store/hibernate/ : XWIKI-8014: Using JNDI datasource throws NullPointerException -
06:41 <CIA-114> Sergiu Dumitriu stable-4.1.x * r70abce0 / xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-oldcore/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/store/hibernate/ : XWIKI-8014: Using JNDI datasource throws NullPointerException -
06:41 <CIA-114> Sergiu Dumitriu stable-4.1.x * reb308bf / xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-oldcore/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/store/hibernate/ : [misc] Fixed wrong StringUtils import -
07:04 <Denis> has quit
07:05 <Denis> has joined #xwiki
07:39 <mflorea> has joined #xwiki
07:46 <polx> has joined #xwiki
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08:50 <vmassol> has joined #xwiki
08:50 <vmassol> mflorea: good morning
08:55 <+mflorea> vmassol: good morning
08:56 <tmortagne> has joined #xwiki
08:57 <vmassol> mflorea: I'm going to need your help on an issue with the EM UI
08:58 <vmassol> which IM is a blocker for 4.1.3
08:58 <vmassol> s/IM/IMO
08:58 <vmassol> I'm creating the jira issues
08:58 <+mflorea> which issue?
08:59 <vmassol>
09:00 <polx> has quit
09:04 <+mflorea> I'll try to reproduce, but some of the issues you listed there have more to do with the backend than with the UI. I'll see where exactly is the problem
09:05 <vmassol> yep you probably need to work with tmortagne
09:05 <vmassol> I talked to him yesterday about the issue already
09:05 <+mflorea> ok
09:05 <+tmortagne> Hi
09:05 <+tmortagne> finishing reading mail and I was about to try reproducing thoses issues
09:06 <+mflorea> tmortagne: I can do it and tell you where there is a backend problem
09:06 <vmassol> so to summarize today we have to:
09:06 <vmassol> 1) fix the XWikiUsers class in 1.0 synatx issue (eddy)
09:07 <vmassol> 2) check why we have all those event issues about stuff being not serializable (and why we have all those WikiReadyEvents sent) (thomas)
09:07 <vmassol> 3) EM issue with Wiki Manager install
09:07 <vmassol> 4) Stats app using the chart plugin which has been removed (vincent)
09:07 <vmassol> (3) is (thomas and marius)
09:08 <vmassol> 5) finish the migration (vincent)
09:08 <vmassol> 1, 2, 3 are needed for the 4.1.3 release
09:08 <vmassol> 1, 2, 3, 4 are needed for the 4.2M1 release
09:08 <polx> has joined #xwiki
09:12 <evalica> has joined #xwiki
09:33 <jvelo> has quit
09:55 <Enygma`> has joined #xwiki
09:58 <gdelhumeau> has joined #xwiki
10:18 <vmassol> AndreasJonsson: hi, I see you're assigned on
10:19 <vmassol> any progress? It has now become a blocker for the "remove chart plugin" issue which I have just reopened, i.e. for 4.2M1
10:20 <vmassol> hmm I see it depends on Are we still missing stuff in the new chart macro for the stats app need?
10:22 <polx> has quit
10:23 <polx> has joined #xwiki
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10:35 <CIA-114> Marius Dumitru Florea master * rf5e21b2 / xwiki-enterprise-test/xwiki-enterprise-test-extension/src/test/resources/packagefile/bob-xar-extension/ExtensionTest/Bob.xml : XWIKI-8011: When saving a wiki macro document the author of the macro should be used to check right instead of the current user -
10:38 <CIA-114> tmortagne feature-extensiondistribution * r4a04ccc / (5 files in 3 dirs): XWIKI-7896: Display a global install/upgrade wizard when starting an new version of an XWiki instance -
10:38 <CIA-114> tmortagne master * r6db6519 / xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-oldcore/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/ : XWIKI-8030: WikiReadyEvent is sent for each request instead of only once for each wiki -
10:38 <CIA-114> tmortagne stable-4.1.x * r4d45c0e / xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-oldcore/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/ : XWIKI-8030: WikiReadyEvent is sent for each request instead of only once for each wiki -
10:39 <polx> has joined #xwiki
10:41 <sburjan> has joined #xwiki
10:42 <CIA-114> Marius Dumitru Florea master * rf4d6b27 / (6 files in 2 dirs): XWIKI-7983: Add test page objects for the Extension Manager UI -
10:46 <CIA-114> Marius Dumitru Florea master * r3380b77 / (5 files in 4 dirs): XE-1204: Add functional tests for Extension Manager -
10:46 <vmassol> AndreasJonsson: ping
10:47 <jvdrean> has joined #xwiki
10:49 <vmassol> Enygma`: good morning you're working on fixing the XWikiUsers class in 1.0 synatx issue today right?
10:51 <+Enygma`> hi vmassol
10:51 <+Enygma`> yes
10:51 <vmassol> ok cool thanks
11:00 <Denis> has quit
11:00 <CIA-114> tmortagne master * rf69ca65 / (2 files): XWIKI-8011: When saving a wiki macro document the author of the macro should be used to check right instead of the current user -
11:00 <CIA-114> tmortagne master * r5a9caa7 / xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-rendering/xwiki-platform-rendering-wikimacro/xwiki-platform-rendering-wikimacro-api/src/main/resources/META-INF/components.txt : XWIKI-8011: When saving a wiki macro document the author of the macro should be used to check right instead of the current user -
11:45 <+sburjan> tmortagne: good morning. I see no new snapshot since yesterday. And the one I tried still had the macros issue.
11:46 <+tmortagne> sburjan: you did not had the macro working on a jetty/hsqldb distribution on main page ?
11:47 <+sburjan> yes
11:47 <+tmortagne> will check the last one
11:47 <+sburjan> it seems I still have it even after restarting the wiki
11:48 <+sburjan> so restarting doesn't seem to solve the issue
11:48 <+tmortagne> sburjan: the last one is still old
11:48 <+tmortagne> 09-Jul-2012 02:53
11:49 <+tmortagne>
11:49 <+tmortagne> so looks like there has been no build of XE
11:49 <+tmortagne> probably due to failing test on platform and things like that
11:49 <+tmortagne> will force one
11:50 <+tmortagne> WTF
11:50 <+tmortagne>
11:51 <+tmortagne> am I the only one seeing an empty jenkins ?
11:52 <vmassol> I see it empt too!
12:22 <+tmortagne> note: it's back
12:28 <CIA-114> Marius Dumitru Florea master * r8d6e689 / (2 files in 2 dirs): XWIKI-8032: Add the ability to downgrade an extension -
12:31 <CIA-114> Marius Dumitru Florea master * raf20520 / xwiki-enterprise-test/xwiki-enterprise-test-extension/src/test/it/org/xwiki/test/ui/extension/ : XWIKI-8032: Add the ability to downgrade an extension -
12:46 <polx> has quit
12:58 <+sburjan> I have an odd issue. Trying to import a single page XAR, the import is successful, but when I try to access the page I am informed that the pages doesn't exist.
12:58 <+sburjan> instead I get this in the console:
12:58 <+sburjan> 2012-07-10 13:49:07,417 [Lucene Index Updater] WARN  c.x.x.p.l.AttachmentData       - error getting content of attachment [1155881644begilola.jpg] for document [name = [My_page1], type = [DOCUMENT], parent = [name = [Main], type = [SPACE], parent = [name = [xwiki], type = [WIKI], parent = [null]]]]
12:58 <+sburjan> java.lang.NullPointerException: null
12:59 <+sburjan> but this seems related to lucene, so shouldn't affect the import
13:18 <mflorea> has quit
13:38 <+tmortagne> sburjan: I don't think this error is related to you page but more to the xar file itself, it looks like in some condition attachment event is sent event if the actuall attachment is not yet in the database but that's not a new thing
13:38 <CIA-114> Eduard Moraru master * r8d61e3e / xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-oldcore/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/ : XWIKI-8033: The XWikiUser's email custom displayer does not consider the situation when the class document is in syntax 1.0 -
13:38 <+tmortagne> s/event if/even/if/
13:41 <CIA-114> Eduard Moraru stable-4.1.x * r7276468 / xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-oldcore/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/ : XWIKI-8033: The XWikiUser's email custom displayer does not consider the situation when the class document is in syntax 1.0 -
13:43 <+sburjan> thanks tmortagne
13:47 <CIA-114> tmortagne master * r6099322 / xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-extension/xwiki-platform-extension-handlers/xwiki-platform-extension-handler-xar/src/main/java/org/xwiki/extension/xar/internal/handler/packager/xml/ : XWIKI-8034: Conflict reported when an existing document is already in the database and there is no different with the new versi
13:50 <cjd> has quit
13:58 <CIA-114> tmortagne master * r51f727c / xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-oldcore/src/test/java/com/xpn/xwiki/doc/ : Add test -
14:00 <CIA-114> tmortagne stable-4.1.x * rb36f405 / xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-extension/xwiki-platform-extension-handlers/xwiki-platform-extension-handler-xar/src/main/java/org/xwiki/extension/xar/internal/handler/packager/xml/ : XWIKI-8034: Conflict reported when an existing document is already in the database and there is no different with the new
14:01 <polx> has joined #xwiki
14:04 <mflorea> has joined #xwiki
14:07 <@sdumitriu> vmassol: Indeed, last time I tried to convert the stats app to 2.0, some of the charts weren't supported by the new chart macro, that's why I didn't finish it
14:34 <vmassol> sdumitriu: yes but AndreasJonsson has added some
14:36 <@sdumitriu> I know
14:36 <@sdumitriu> That's why I said "last time I tried"
14:37 <vmassol> I want to know if I should move the plugin to platform or if I can brute force my way by finishing the conversion to 2.0 syntax....
14:38 <vmassol> (move the plugin back I mean)
14:39 <@sdumitriu> There's always the option of removing the unsupported statistics charts
14:39 <vmassol> yes
14:39 <@sdumitriu> Temporarily
14:40 <vmassol> I wanted to know where AndreasJonsson is in the conversion process before starting on anything
14:40 <vmassol> AndreasJonsson: ping :)
14:41 <cjd> has joined #xwiki
15:08 <polx> has quit
15:11 <polx> has joined #xwiki
15:11 <vmassol> FYI, going to restart node1 because I tried to install the wiki manager yesterday and it's not working as expected and there's no cancel button...
15:12 <vmassol> ah no wait, I've already done that yesterday :)
15:12 <vmassol> (memory memory....)
15:13 <vmassol> tmortagne: so re wiki macros init and WikiReadyEvent we're good for 4.1.3?
15:14 <+tmortagne> that has never been 4.1 issues
15:14 <vmassol> err?
15:14 <+tmortagne> I refactored wiki macro in master only
15:14 <vmassol> is on 4.1.3-SNAPSHOT
15:14 <vmassol> and it's where we have the issues
15:14 <+tmortagne> nothing to do with wiki macros
15:14 <vmassol> "and WikiReadyEvent"
15:14 <+tmortagne> was WikiReadyEvent sent to observation remote
15:15 <vmassol> ok
15:15 <vmassol> let me ask again
15:15 <vmassol> tmortagne: so re  WikiReadyEvent and serialization issues, we're good for 4.1.3?
15:15 <+tmortagne> partly
15:15 <+tmortagne> WikiReadyEvent is not sent all the time like it used to
15:15 <+tmortagne> but observation remove is still trying to serialize it
15:16 <vmassol> so one error per wiki now?
15:16 <+tmortagne> yes
15:16 <vmassol> (per wiki call)
15:16 <vmassol> ok we still need to fix this, watiing for the release
15:16 <+tmortagne> note that it's just not very nice for the log but it 's not a real issue, just need to make official that this event is not sent
15:17 <vmassol> tmortagne: is there any way for me to install the wiki manager ui on on the main wiki only?
15:17 <vmassol> (using EM)
15:18 <+tmortagne> vmassol: not sure,, it used to support gatting the wiki as URL parameter but now that it's fully async I don't know, mflorea any idea ?
15:23 <+mflorea> the sync URL-based still works, i.e. it triggers the job, but doesn't wait for it to be finished. The alternative is to write a page with something like
15:24 <CIA-114> tmortagne master * rbc8d082 / xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-rendering/xwiki-platform-rendering-wikimacro/xwiki-platform-rendering-wikimacro-store/src/main/java/org/xwiki/rendering/wikimacro/internal/ : XWIKI-8011: When saving a wiki macro document the author of the macro should be used to check right instead of the current user - htt
15:25 <+mflorea> vmassol: as you can see in the ExtensionTestUtils, there is a $NULL parameter, that is the namespace, and from what tmortagne told me, the namespace should be wiki:idOfMainWiki
15:26 <+tmortagne> so wiki:xwiki :)
15:27 <vmassol> ok I'll try that
15:27 <+mflorea> the request parameter is "extensionWiki"
15:28 <vmassol> doing it now
15:28 <+tmortagne> extensionWiki is the wiki form what I rememebr and not the namspace
15:28 <+tmortagne> which  used to be created based on wiki:$request.extensionWiki
15:28 <+mflorea> #set($extensionNamespace = "wiki:${extensionWiki}")
15:28 <+tmortagne> ok so it's the same
15:29 <+tmortagne> then it's extensionWiki=xwiki
15:29 <+mflorea> and extensionWiki is taken from request or from current wiki
15:30 <vmassol> tmortagne: $services.extension.install("org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-wiki-manager-ui", "4.0", "xwiki") ?
15:30 <+tmortagne> mflorea: wouldn't it still work with andvanced search where you can specify the wiki ?
15:30 <+tmortagne> vmassol: no
15:30 <+tmortagne> the namespace is "wiki:xwiki"
15:31 <vmassol> ok I guess the javadoc should be improved with an example
15:31 <vmassol> right now it says:
15:31 <vmassol>      * @param namespace the (optional) namespace where to install the extension; if {@code null} or empty, the extension
15:31 <vmassol>      *            will be installed globally
15:31 <vmassol> trying
15:32 <+tmortagne> vmassol: there is more at the ExtensionManagerScriptService javadoc level actually
15:32 <vmassol> hmm I get:
15:32 <vmassol> org.xwiki.extension.job.internal.InstallJob@7e60e74a
15:32 <+tmortagne> yes it's not waiting
15:32 <vmassol> tmortagne: this was the javadoc of ExtensionManagerScriptService :)
15:32 <+tmortagne> vmassol: the class level
15:32 <+tmortagne> not the method
15:32 <vmassol> tmortagne: do I need to call anything on InstallJob I get?
15:33 <+tmortagne> vmassol: no the install started
15:33 <+tmortagne> hmm probleme is that you could get conflict
15:33 <+tmortagne> you might be able to access conflict UI from the search
15:33 <+tmortagne> from the "normal" UI
15:34 <+tmortagne> mflorea: right ?
15:34 <+tmortagne> the UI is always checking if there is a running job or only in some conditions ?
15:34 <+mflorea> vmassol: try the URL /xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/AddExtensions?actionInstall&confirm&extensionId=XYZ&extesnionVersion=X.Y&extesnionWiki=xwiki
15:34 <+mflorea> yes, if there is a conflict you can search the extension and go to the progress tab
15:34 <vmassol> tmortagne:  it says installed in the EM UI
15:34 <vmassol> but I don't have any prgress tab
15:35 <+tmortagne> if it's tagged as installed then it should mean it's done
15:36 <vmassol> that's probably the install from yesterday
15:36 <vmassol> I guess it doesn't run in a transaction
15:36 <+tmortagne> it's not a matter of transaction, you actually dully installed the extension on main wiki
15:37 <+tmortagne> then it started installing it on other wikis
15:37 <vmassol> that's what a transaction means :)
15:37 <+tmortagne> s/dully/fully/
15:37 <vmassol> it's all or othing
15:37 <vmassol> so each wiki is spearate
15:37 <+mflorea> vmassol: I can reproduce the issue with the progress tab, for some reason it's not visible when the extension wiki is specified, I'll fix this
15:37 <vmassol> mflorea: ok
15:40 <jvelo> has joined #xwiki
15:58 <polx> has quit
16:15 <CIA-114> tmortagne master * r148633a / (2 files in 2 dirs): XWIKI-7940: Conflict reported when an existing document is already in the database and the is not previous official version of the XAR extension -
16:15 <CIA-114> tmortagne master * r1770d79 / xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-oldcore/src/test/java/com/xpn/xwiki/doc/ : XWIKI-7940: Conflict reported when an existing document is already in the database and the is not previous official version of the XAR extension -
16:15 <CIA-114> tmortagne stable-4.1.x * r1a5f806 / (2 files in 2 dirs): XWIKI-7940: Conflict reported when an existing document is already in the database and the is not previous official version of the XAR extension -
16:28 <CIA-114> tmortagne master * rd3070b8 / (2 files in 2 dirs): XWIKI-8031: Remote observation manager try to serialize XWikiContext for events without custom converter -
16:28 <CIA-114> tmortagne stable-4.1.x * re8d14ea / (2 files in 2 dirs): XWIKI-8031: Remote observation manager try to serialize XWikiContext for events without custom converter -
16:43 <CIA-114> tmortagne master * rbcb317d / (2 files): Improve log -
16:44 <CIA-114> Eduard Moraru master * r52963fa / xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-annotations/xwiki-platform-annotation-io/src/main/java/org/xwiki/annotation/io/internal/migration/hibernate/ : XWIKI-8036: Skip migration of annotations for custom mapped comments or custom annotation classes -
16:45 <CIA-114> Eduard Moraru stable-4.1.x * r3394378 / xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-annotations/xwiki-platform-annotation-io/src/main/java/org/xwiki/annotation/io/internal/migration/hibernate/ : XWIKI-8036: Skip migration of annotations for custom mapped comments or custom annotation classes -
16:49 <Matt___> has joined #xwiki
16:49 <Matt___> Heya
16:49 <Matt___> Has anyone setup xwiki before on a prehosted setup using cpanel?
16:50 <vmassol> Hi Matt___
16:51 <vmassol> I haven't personally… didn't even know what cpanel was until I googled it a few seconds ago ;)
16:52 <vmassol> just fyi and in case you're interested is also offering custom hosting ( See also
16:54 <Matt___> I did see their hosting, but unfortunately for the use i'll be looking to use it for it is far out of my budget :(
16:54 <vmassol> Matt___: did you see Xwiki Cloud?
16:54 <vmassol>
16:55 <vmassol> not sure what's your need though
16:56 <@sdumitriu> Matt___: I think you'll have better chances of getting an answer on the users mailing list
16:56 <@sdumitriu> But if you have a specific error, maybe we can help
16:57 <Matt___> Sorry guys - I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to this. I've setup a few moodle sites before, but they've always been on hosting thats "cheap" where you only have access to cpanel.
16:57 <vmassol> Matt___: what do you call cheap?
16:57 <Matt___> So basically you upload the files via ftp and run an install.php file.. Is xwiki able to do something similar?
16:58 <Matt___> Cheap is £40 a year hosting - Sorry on a low salary and its only for me messing about with at the minute
16:58 <+Enygma`> Matt___: I`m not sure, but isn't cpanel used for php and perl only applications?
16:58 <vmassol> XWiki cloud is free for 5 users for messing up
16:58 <vmassol> s/up/about/ ;)
16:58 <+Enygma`> XWiki requires a java application container like Tomcat where you can install it
16:58 <Matt___> arh i see
16:58 <+Enygma`> I may be wrong though...
16:59 <Matt___> hmm, perhaps I should try to get this free for 5 users jobby to have a look
17:00 <Matt___> thanks for your help guys
17:00 <vmassol> tmortagne/mflorea: could you ping me when you're done for the 4.1.3 release?
17:00 <Matt___> has quit
17:01 <+mflorea> vmassol: ok, do you want to release today?
17:01 <vmassol> we need to release ASAP
17:02 <vmassol> right now the EM  + the WikireadyEvent exception is all that remain to start the release AFAIK
17:02 <+tmortagne> vmassol: there should not be any more serialization error in the log now
17:02 <vmassol> ok cool
17:02 <vmassol> so EM is the only remaining
17:03 <vmassol> I'm still not sure but I think I'll upgade before the release just to be sure
17:03 <vmassol> (I won't redo a full migration from 3.5 though)
17:04 <vmassol> I'd really like to be able to install the wiki manager extension from teh EM as a proof that the EM works in 4.1.3
17:04 <vmassol> right now it's not working
17:05 <vmassol> btw tmortagne, would installing XE XAR through the EM work in 4.1.3?
17:06 <+tmortagne> vmassol: yes but you are going to get a conflict resolution UI for every page
17:06 <+tmortagne> and there is a lot of pages...
17:06 <vmassol> (this is just theoretical because there are too many issues to make it usable)
17:06 <vmassol> ok
17:06 <+tmortagne> ha in 4.1.3 yes would be better
17:07 <vmassol> yes talking about 4.1.3
17:07 <+tmortagne> since that one is now fixed
17:07 <vmassol> there would still be the issue of the multiwiki though
17:07 <+tmortagne> mflorea is currently working on it with UI bug you reported
17:08 <vmassol> you mean offering a UI to install only in the main wiki in 4.1.3?
17:08 <+tmortagne> I mean make multiwiki way more clear in main wiki (indicate where thing really are going to be installed, let the user choose where to install on main wiki etc)
17:09 <+tmortagne> now not sure about 4.1.3
17:09 <vmassol> mflorea: for 4.1.3?
17:09 <+tmortagne> it may be too much changes for this branch
17:10 <+mflorea> we decided to have two buttons "Install" and "Install on farm". I'm not sure either that this can go in 4.1.3
17:11 <vmassol> mflorea: ok. I still need a way to make it possible to install wiki manager ui on the main wiki only on 4.1.3 even without a UI. Right now it's not working
17:12 <+mflorea> vmassol: I'll see how big the change is, and if it's small enough I'll port to 4.1 branch
17:12 <vmassol> ok thanks
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17:37 <vmassol> Enygma`: question for you
17:37 <vmassol> are you sure that your change is going to work for me on
17:37 <vmassol> (re teh custom email displayer)
17:37 <vmassol> it seems to me your new code isn't going to eb exeucte
17:37 <vmassol> *be executed
17:37 <vmassol> since
17:37 <vmassol> if (!emailProperty.isCustomDisplayed(context)) {
17:38 <vmassol> is already true fror me
17:38 <vmassol> you need to check the content of the displayer IMO
17:38 <vmassol> and set needupdate to true if it's different
17:38 <@sdumitriu> vmassol: I don't think that's good either
17:38 <@sdumitriu> Since we're overriding a custom displayer set by the user
17:39 <vmassol> it's not the user,
17:39 <vmassol> it's our code
17:39 <@sdumitriu> No
17:39 <vmassol> you want to support the use case where the user may have modified it?
17:39 <@sdumitriu> This means that if the admin changes the custom display of the email field, that change is going to be reverted at the next server restart
17:39 <+tmortagne> then we should not use that...
17:40 <+tmortagne> if the user can break it anytime and if we can never fix/improve
17:40 <@sdumitriu> The only case we want to fix is using our own custom display code set in the wrong syntax
17:40 <+tmortagne> for now
17:40 <@sdumitriu> So we should check !isCustomDisplayed || isCustomDisplayed && content is the one we set for syntax 2.0 && syntax is 1.0
17:41 <vmassol> hoping that we don't change it in the future....
17:41 <vmassol> that looks like a big pile of hacks
17:41 <@sdumitriu> Yep
17:42 <vmassol> now that custom displayer is really a bad hack
17:42 <vmassol> maybe we should just remove tht
17:42 <@sdumitriu> Yes, we should have an email field
17:42 <vmassol> yes
17:42 <vmassol> would that be complex to do for 4.1.3?
17:42 <@sdumitriu> Yes...
17:43 <vmassol> so we keep the hack for 4.1.3 and someone (should be Enygma` IMO since he introduced it) fixes it for 4.2
17:43 <vmassol> ?
17:44 <@sdumitriu> Now, as I see it, that displayer was introduced in 4.0
17:44 <vmassol> in any case Enygma` needs to fix the code for 4.1.3 since right now it's not going to work
17:44 <@sdumitriu> So this affects users that upgraded from an old version (with the XWikiUsers class in syntax 1.0), to 4.0 or 4.1, and then to 4.1.3+
17:45 <@sdumitriu> Is that a really big marketshare to require such an ugly hack?
17:45 <vmassol> yes
17:45 <vmassol> that's 100% marketshare
17:45 <vmassol> ah no wait
17:45 <vmassol> I didn"t understand
17:45 <vmassol> my use case on
17:45 <vmassol> I was in 3.5
17:46 <vmassol> and moved to 4.1.3SNAP
17:46 <@sdumitriu> Yes, it affects because you tried 4.1.2+ before
17:46 <vmassol> we do have people who moved to 4.0 for sure
17:46 <@sdumitriu> But I think only some of the wikis, not all of them
17:46 <vmassol> I don't know the marketshare
17:46 <vmassol> so you say we should instead offer a script?
17:46 <@sdumitriu> The precondition is that XWikiUsers was in the 1.0 syntax
17:47 <vmassol> note to self: next time I'll really veto a hack like this....
17:47 <@sdumitriu> I wonder when did that change...
17:47 <vmassol> (I saw it and didn't agree but I let it go through)
17:48 <+Enygma`> XWikiUsers is created if it does not exist and it is created with the default syntax
17:48 <+Enygma`> so I am assuming that XWikiUsers started to be 2.0 when we moved to 2.0 as the default syntax
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17:49 <vmassol> only for new installs Enygma`
17:49 <+Enygma`> I though about the fact that the fix I did won`t help much for the problem you were having Vincent, but after I did it
17:49 <+tmortagne> why don't we simply force the syntax we want in the class ?
17:50 <+tmortagne> I don't see the point in having a different displayer depending on the syntaxe
17:50 <+Enygma`> yes, IMO the getUsersClass() method, additionally to all the other properties, should check the class document`s syntax and force it to the new default one
17:50 <vmassol> that looks much easier to do
17:51 <+tmortagne> especially since it's impossible to make sure your displayer will work for whatever is the class syntax
17:51 <+Enygma`> but again, if *some* users might have a custom displayer in 1.0 syntax, it will break... though I don`t know how relevant this scenario is
17:51 <vmassol> Enygma`: you could revert your change of this morning and instead set the XWikiUsers page to 2.0
17:51 <vmassol> (or 2.1)
17:52 <vmassol> hmm
17:52 <vmassol> ok so now we have to pay for the hack of the customer displayer!
17:52 <+Enygma`> so the idea is that, even if a user will try to set the syntax to one different than the default one, he will not be allowed by the platform
17:52 <+tmortagne> at worst you can always execute a converted if really needed
17:53 <+tmortagne> would not be needed if we did not had a custom displayer which we should never have that way
17:53 <+Enygma`> how else do you propose we handle custom displayers?
17:54 <+tmortagne> if you need another property type, add it
17:54 <+tmortagne> if an existing display is not good enough improve it
17:54 <+Enygma`> the problem is more generic than adding new properties
17:54 <+tmortagne> I don't seed any reason for use to add custom displayer, custom displayer should be for exatensions
17:54 <+Enygma`> regular users will not be able to do this
17:55 <+tmortagne> I'm talking about us here and in that case a very standard class
17:55 <+Enygma`> I though we were talking about a clean, general solution...
17:55 <@sdumitriu> tmortagne: There's also the timezone that has a custom displayer
17:56 <+tmortagne> sure and it's wrong too
17:56 <@sdumitriu> So even if we add an email field type, we'll still have the timezone to take care of
17:56 <@sdumitriu> I'd rather not add a timezone field type as well...
17:56 <jvelo> I think we will need an overhaul of field types at some point
17:56 <jvelo> and existing field options
17:57 <+tmortagne> sdumitriu: why not, it's a pretty standard concept
17:57 <vmassol> +1 for a timezone field type
17:57 <vmassol> and a lot more
17:57 <jvelo> I think timezone makes sense
17:57 <jvelo> like would a GPS coordinate
17:57 <jvelo> etc.
17:57 <+Enygma`> what about a pink email with stars at the end field type?
17:57 <+Enygma`> I doubt we can add that in platform :)
17:57 <@sdumitriu> GPS would allow nice distance searches with Lucene :)
17:57 <jvelo> yep
17:58 <vmassol> Enygma`: we don't need that in the platform AFAICS
17:58 <+tmortagne> Enygma`: do we have the need in platform ?
17:58 <vmassol> but email and timezone, we do
17:58 <+Enygma`> but how can our users achieve it?
17:58 <vmassol> with a custom displayer
17:58 <jvelo> sdumitriu: I've been wanting to play with that for a while
17:58 <@sdumitriu> I was going to say that Timezone is usually going to be bound to a datetime, but then I remembered that SQL doesn't have a bulletproof way of storing timezones in their date fields
17:58 <vmassol> Enygma`: it's us that shouldn't use custom displayer
17:58 <+tmortagne> custom displayer is last resort and should not be the first idea that come to mind when adding something in platform
17:59 <vmassol> but users can use that
17:59 <+Enygma`> I see
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18:00 <jvelo> also something simple that we need often is the ability to add CSS classnames when calling #display
18:00 <jvelo> this is often heartbreaking to have to construct the input manually in edit mode because we need the class name
18:01 <vmassol> ok here's what i propose Enygma`
18:01 <jvelo> and of course the html5 goodnesses
18:01 <vmassol> 1) force the syntax for XWikiusers class in java
18:01 <jvelo> input type="email"
18:01 <jvelo> input type="number"
18:01 <jvelo> etc
18:02 <jvelo> but for that we need to move to html5 first which is not trivial
18:02 <vmassol> 2) Add to the RN that if someone has written some xwiki sytax 1.0 field they'll need to put it back (they still have it in the history)
18:02 <vmassol> this will handle 99% of users
18:02 <vmassol> and for 1% they'll need to read the RN and those are advanced users
18:03 <+Enygma`> wdym in 2) by "they'll need to put it back"? you said to just change the syntax, not to delete any existing custom displayers
18:04 <+Enygma`> they will still be there, only that they will not be rendered
18:04 <vmassol> yes
18:04 <vmassol> htey'll need to rewrite it in 2.0 syntax
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18:07 <vmassol> seems acceptable to me Enygma`
18:08 <+Enygma`> vmassol: ok
18:08 <vmassol> I have to go too in a few minutes, could you handle this so that tomorrow I can upgrade to 4.1.3-SNAPSHOT on and have it work?
18:09 <+Enygma`> yep
18:09 <vmassol> thanks
18:09 <vmassol> :)
18:09 <+Enygma`> ;)
18:09 <@sdumitriu> vmassol: Do you think we need to make the registration warning even bigger?
18:09 <vmassol> hehe
18:09 <@sdumitriu> <blink><huge><red>
18:16 <+sburjan`> :)
18:19 <vmassol> bb in 1 hour
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19:17 <CIA-114> Marius Dumitru Florea master * r66e3082 / xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-oldcore/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/internal/merge/ : Fix the order of the arguments. The signature is DiffManager#merge(previous, next, current, configuration). -
19:18 <CIA-114> Marius Dumitru Florea stable-4.1.x * rea6ca4d / xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-oldcore/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/internal/merge/ : Fix the order of the arguments. The signature is DiffManager#merge(previous, next, current, configuration). -
19:21 <CIA-114> Marius Dumitru Florea master * r0097255 / xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-extension/xwiki-platform-extension-test-pageobjects/src/main/java/org/xwiki/extension/test/po/ : XWIKI-7983: Add test page objects for the Extension Manager UI -
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19:30 <iamcorbin> is there any built in way to create collapsible sections on a page?
19:36 <@cjd> you could write a macro which did that but as far as I know, nothing has been done so far.
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19:41 <jvelo> there is the spoiler macro
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19:43 <@cjd> 13:36 -!- iamcorbin [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
19:43 <@cjd> 13:37 < jvelo> there is the spoiler macro
19:44 <jvelo> c.f.
19:44 <jvelo> han, didn't even recall I wrote this one
19:44 <iamcorbin> where is the code for that, I haven't created a macro before
19:44 <iamcorbin> I imagine I could just modify that for my needs though
19:45 <jvelo> if you want the code you can install the extension and edit it's page
19:45 <jvelo> it's a wiki macro
19:45 <jvelo> so basically you have WikiMacroClass object and likely JavaScriptExtension object in a wiki page
19:46 <iamcorbin> so it is edited right inside the wiki after installing the extension?
19:47 <jvelo> yes
19:53 <iamcorbin> hmm... I installed the extension and am trying to use the example but am just getting: "Unknown macro: spoiler"
19:53 <iamcorbin> I used Content -> Import -> Upload
19:53 <iamcorbin> and then Extension Manager -> Install
19:54 <iamcorbin> I mean Extension Manager -> Add Extensions
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19:54 <iamcorbin> and it is listed under installed extensions now
19:57 <iamcorbin> nevermind, I had to import it
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20:01 <iamcorbin> jvelo: I can't find where to edit the macro, don't see WikiMacroClass anywhere
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20:06 <iamcorbin> I found this tutorial: but I'm stuck on the first step because I can't find XWiki.WikiMacroClass
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20:14 <iamcorbin> looking at Wiki -> Document Index the closest thing I can find is Wiki.WikiMacros
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21:22 <ssavi> sdumitriu: Hi
21:22 <@sdumitriu> Hi ssavi
21:24 <ssavi> I'm trying to get the list of documents using Space Reference. I couldn't get the recent API. It would be helpful if you could point to it.
21:27 <ssavi> By the, way I'm using this for rebuildWikiIndex when list of spaceReference is passed as argument.  public int rebuildWikiIndex(List<SpaceReference> spaces)
21:27 <ssavi>     {
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