Wiki source code of Ubuntu+Eclipse based VM

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2023/08/14 15:30

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1 {{warning}}
2 This VM is not very well maintained anymore (too much work) so you most probably are going to end up with something too old to be usefull.
3 {{/warning}}
5 A VirtualBox image containing Ubuntu and Eclipse pre configured for XWiki (core and contrib) development.
7 Download on [[]]. An [[##ova## version>>]] of the VM is also provided in case you can't make VirtualBox work for some reason and want to try another software (like VMWare).
9 The user id is {{code language="none"}}xwiki-contrib{{/code}} and the password {{code language="none"}}xwiki{{/code}}.
11 Report bugs or improvements requests:
13 = Resources required =
15 * it's recommended to allocate at least 2 cores to the VM
16 * it's recommended to allocate at least 4GB of RAM to the VM
17 * you will need at least 20GB of free space to use this VM
19 = Features =
21 * Oracle Java 8 and Ubuntu repository to update it
22 * Maven 3.5.2
23 ** Configured with XWiki repositories and custom version of Firefox
24 ** ##mvn## build with Java 8
25 ** ##mvn-java7## to build with Java 7
26 * Cloned repositories
27 ** xwiki-commons
28 ** xwiki-rendering
29 ** xwiki-platform
30 ** xwiki-dev-tools
31 * Eclipse
32 ** Eclipse J2EE plus a few XWiki development related plugin (XEclipse, XWiki Checkstyle plugin, M2E extensions, etc.)
33 ** Eclipse workspace configured for core development
34 ** Eclipse workspace configured for contrib extension development (with LDAP project as example)
35 * Yourkit with license key

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