
Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/04/05 10:13

All Serious decisions are made on the Forum. However if you have a question or want to drop by for a chat, we have several Matrix channels for that purpose.

You can either install a desktop client or simply use the web client by clicking on the room links below. The following rooms exist:

Using Riot allows you to keep the history and see messages even when you were not connected.


If you are new to asking for help via chat medium, there are a few things you can do which will get you an answer faster and be make it a more pleasant experience for the developers.

  • Join and ask your question into the channel, that's what it's for. We are not available all the time and with volunteer support you will need to make your question easy to answer. If you ask a specific question then the developer who is most knowledgeable in the area of your question will see it and be able to help you.
    • Good: "Hi, I am having a problem registering new users on XWiki version X"
    • Bad: "Is anyone around to help me?"
  • Don't ask and run, just because you didn't get an answer doesn't mean you won't ever get one. It's perfectly fine to idle in the channel for as long as you want.
  • Provide any relevant information from the logs, paste it to one of the numerous pastebins on the web then provide the link with your question. If you see this in your wiki, click on it and it will likely expand to provide you with more information which you can paste to a pastebin.
  • Sending private messages to people who you don't know is rude. It amounts to demanding their immediate attention and it will often be ignored.

If you are interested in how to ask better questions which will get you better answers, you should read How To Ask Questions The Smart Way.

If you ask a question and don't get a response, please wait (maybe for a number of hours.) We're not at the computer all the time but when we do see your question we will try to answer.


XWiki used to have several IRC channels on Freenode but they were replaced by Matrix channels.

The IRC channel was available on FreeNode:

  • Server:
  • Port: 6667 (SSL on port 7000)
  • Channels:
    • #xwiki for discussions
    • #xwiki-notifications for notifications (XWiki IRC bot notifications, GitHub notifications, etc)

Examples of IRC clients were:


We used to have 2 bots running in the #xwiki-notifications IRC channel. They're currently not active anymore since we moved from IRC to Matrix.

XWiki Bot

It allowed to perform several actions:

Check the XWiki IRC Bot documentation for more information.

Github Bot

Commits in the xwiki GitHub organization are notified in the #xwiki IRC channel.


The #xwiki IRC chat channel used to be logged before we moved to Matrix (it's now not logged anymore):

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