Media Resources
This page contains different XWiki-related media resources. You can submit your media resources or reuse some from this page.
XWiki Logos
Adjust the resolution and select the appropriate logo version
Feel free to share your XWiki goodies by editing this page to add them.
XWiki Neons
Author: Yannick Kirschhoffer
License: CC BY 3.0
This image was done with Blender. Here's if you wish to modify it.
XWiki Development Process
Author: Moraru Ecaterina, Vincent Massol
License: CC BY 3.0
Version: V6
This image was done with Inkscape. Here's if you wish to modify it.
XWiki Release Process
Author: Stavro Raluca
License: CC BY 3.0
This image was done with Inkscape. Here's if you wish to modify it.
XWiki Code / REST Logo
Author: Eduard Moraru
License: CC BY 3.0
GIMP source file:
Photoshop compatible source file:
For higher resolutions you can export larger logo versions and adapt the source file accordingly.