XWiki.org Set autosave option is true as default

Last modified by maggo on 2010/06/11 18:30

General Remarks

This little hack was developed because i have to edit much and a long time on one Page and to mark the autosve checkbox is a solution but why don't change the default value so that you don't have to remember on each edit to check that box.
Here you can see where you can change the value.
Consider this hack was released on XWiki version

How to

  • Open the following file webapps/xwiki/resources/js/xwiki/editors/autosave.js
    • If it is to hard to edit you can download the code here

       * Autosave feature.
       * TODO Improve i18n support
       * TODO Don't save if there were no changes
       * TODO Support for the WYSIWYG editors
       * TODO Don't show in the class editor, if there is no class defined

      XWiki.editors.AutoSave = Class.create({
       /** Is the autosave enabled ? */
       enabled: false,
       /** If enabled, how frequent are the savings */
       frequency: 5, // minutes
  • In the code above you can see the part  Is the autosave enabled?  and among them you can change the enabled value to true see code below

     * Autosave feature.
     * TODO Improve i18n support
     * TODO Don't save if there were no changes
     * TODO Support for the WYSIWYG editors
     * TODO Don't show in the class editor, if there is no class defined

    XWiki.editors.AutoSave = Class.create({
     /** Is the autosave enabled ? */
     enabled: true,
     /** If enabled, how frequent are the savings */
     frequency: 5, // minutes
  • Below you can find the diff of the hole file

    diff autosave.js autosave.js.org
    <   enabled: true,
    >   enabled: false,

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