
Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2024/03/25 13:54


Welcome to the XWiki community! We're very happy to see you here emoticon_smile

This page will help you getting started as a member of the XWiki Community and start contributing to the project.

It's organized in the form of Tasks that you should perform to get familiar with the various tools and practices.

Since there are various domains where you could contribute, we've organized them in Tracks.

Become part of the community

First things first, let's actually join the community communication channels.

The XWiki community uses various tools to communicate:

  1. Register on https://www.xwiki.org (Hint: click the Drawer icon in the top right corner of the screen)
  2. Register on https://forum.xwiki.org using your XWiki.org account (see Discuss for more details) and introduce yourself by creating a post in https://forum.xwiki.org/c/Other
  3. Register on https://riot.im/app/, access the #xwiki chat room and say hello (see Chat for more details)

If you are interested in the development part of our community, you should also:

  1. Create an account on our issue tracker, in order to report and fix issues.
  2. Have a GitHub account, if you want to make a pull request to our source repositories.
  3. Make sure you read and follow our guidelines for contributing code

If you are interested in developing on top of the XWiki platform (e.g. scripting in wiki pages or even writing your own extension), then it's recommended to read the Dev Guide (which is different from dev.xwiki.org which is for developers of XWiki and its contrib extensions).

Getting to know XWiki

Start contributing

Future tracks to document:

  • Track: Interactivity in XWiki (JSX, WebJars, Special CSS classes, Front-end Resources)
  • Track: Contribute to an existing extension
  • Track: Contribute a new extension
  • Track: Add translations

Other resources:

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