Dynamic RESTful services and other REST improvements
- Mentor(s)
- Estimated workload
3 months
- Details
XWiki has a RESTful API that is implemented using server-side components written using the JAX-RS API. In order to deploy a new service, a new jar has to be deployed and the server restarted.
The goal of this project is to provide a way for extending XWiki with new additional RESTful services without restarting the server. This can be done by writing the definition of the service directly in XWiki pages using the Groovy scripting language, and by leveraging structured data (XWiki classes+objects) in order to provide metadata about the defined services.
Additionally new services would also be implemented:
- XWiki livetable implementation
- Full page access (read and write) in one request (page + objects + attachements)
This project is quite important as it would allow to play nicer for Mobile and with Advanced Javascript Framework
- Developer profile
The candidate should be proficient in Java programming and have a good knowledge of the HTTP protocol.
- Year
- Status